20 Cool Math Magic Tricks That Surprise Your Friend

Students often think math is boring and hard, but what if I told you that math could also be incredibly fun and even full of magic? Yes, you read that right! In this blog post, we’re going on an adventure that will surprise your friends and show them how interesting math can be.

We’ve all been amazed by magicians who make things vanish. But have you ever seen math do its own special tricks? These math tricks won’t include pulling rabbits out of hats or using magic wands. Instead, they’ll make your friends really puzzled.

Math magic tricks combine the elegance of mathematical concepts with the artistry of illusion, creating a unique blend of entertainment and education. So, get ready as we unveil 20 cool math magic tricks that will not only surprise your friends but also make you the star of your next social gathering. Whether you’re a math enthusiast or a complete novice, these tricks are designed to be accessible and enjoyable for everyone. Now, let’s explore the magical world of math tricks!

What are some math magic tricks?

Math Magic Trick 1 » Think Number 5

Surprise your friend with a cool math magic trick. Ask them to think of any number, and then confidently say that I can guess the number you are thinking of. Next, do some math calculations with your friend. The exciting part is that the final answer you give them will still be the same number they thought of at the beginning. It’s a fun way to amaze your friend with math!

Ask your friend to think of a number between 1 and 10. Let’s suppose your friend thinks of number 5.

  • Ask your friend to add 2 to it. (5+2=7)
  • Then multiply the result by 2. (7*2=14)
  • Next, subtract 2 from the new result. (14-2=12)
  • After that, divide the new number by 2. (12/2=6)
  • Then ask your friend what the answer is. (They say 6)
  • Whatever answer your friend gives you, subtract 1 from it. (6-1=5)

Then tell your friend you were thinking of number 5 at the beginning.

Math Magic Trick 2 » Picks Number 3

Ask your friend to pick a number between 1 and 10. Let’s suppose your friend picks number 3.

  • Ask your friend to multiply that number by 2. (3*2=6)
  • Add 10 to the answer. (6+10=16)
  • Divide the new number by 2. (16/2=8)
  • Then ask your friend what the answer is. (They say 8)
  • Whatever answer your friend gives you, subtract 5 from it. (8-5=3)

Then tell your friend you picked number 3 at the beginning.

Math Magic Trick 3 » Chooses Number 8

Ask your friend to choose a number between 1 and 10. Let’s suppose your friend chooses the number 8.

  • Ask your friend to multiply that number by 3. (8*3=24)
  • Next, ask them to add 6 to the result. (24+6=30)
  • Then, they should divide the new number by 3. (30/3=10)
  • Then ask your friend what the answer is. (They say 10)
  • Whatever answer your friend gives you, subtract 2 from it. (10-2=8)

Then tell your friend you chose number 8 at the beginning.

Math Magic Trick 4 » Imagines Number 7

Ask your friend to imagine a number between 1 and 10. Let’s suppose your friend imagines the number 7.

  • Ask your friend to multiply that number by 2. (7*2=14)
  • Then, ask them to add 9 to the answer. (14+9=23)
  • Next, tell them to subtract 3 from the result. (23-3=20)
  • Now, they should divide the new number by 2. (20/2=10)
  • Then ask your friend what the answer is. (They say 10)
  • Whatever answer your friend gives you, subtract 3 from it. (10-3=7)

Then tell your friend you imagined number 7 at the beginning.

Math Magic Trick 5 » Two Digits

Ask your friend to imagine a two-digit number between 1 and 9. Let’s suppose your friend imagines the first number being 8 and the second number being 3.

  • Ask your friend to multiply the first number by 2. (8x2=16)
  • Then, ask them to add 5 to the result. (16+5=21)
  • Next, ask them to multiply by 5. (21x5=105)
  • Next, tell them to add the second number. (105+3=108)
  • Finally, tell them to subtract the answer from 25. (108-25=83)
  • Then ask your friend what the answer is. (They say 83)

Then tell your friend that you imagined the first number 8 and the second number 3 at the beginning.

Math Magic Trick 6 » Imagines Number 6

Ask your friend to imagine a number between 1 and 10. Let’s suppose your friend imagines the number 6.

  • Ask them to multiply by 2. (6x2=12)
  • Multiply the answer by 5. (12x5=60)
  • Then subtract 5. (60-5=55)
  • Add 7. (55+7=62)
  • Then tell your friend that now you either have a two-digit or a three-digit number. In any case, the last digit is 2.
  • They say yes.
  • Then ask your friend what the first digit is.
  • They say 6.

Then tell your friend you imagined number 6 at the beginning.

Math Magic Trick 7 » One Every Time

Think of any number from 1 to 10. Let’s suppose you think 5.

  • Then add 2. (5+2=7)
  • Multiply the answer by 2. (7*2=14)
  • Subtract 2. (14-2=12)
  • Divide by 2. (12/2=6)
  • After that, subtract the number you first thought. (6-5=1)

Answer: You get one every time.

Math Magic Trick 8 » Again Answer One

Think of any number from 1 to 99. Let’s suppose you think 15.

  • Then add 3. (15+3=18)
  • Multiply the answer by 2. (18*2=36)
  • Subtract 4. (36-4=32)
  • Divide by 2. (32/2=16)
  • After that, subtract the number you first thought. (16-15=1)

Answer: You get one every time.

Math Magic Trick 9 » Two Every Time

Think of any number from 1 to 10. Let’s suppose you think 2.

  • Then multiply by 3. (2*3=6)
  • Add 6 to the answer. (6+6=12)
  • Divide by 3. (12/3=4)
  • After that, subtract the number you first thought. (4-2=2)

Answer: You get two every time.

Math Magic Trick 10 » Three Every Time

Think of any number from 1 to 10. Let’s suppose you think 9.

  • Then multiply by 2. (9*2=18)
  • Add 9 to the answer. (18+9=27)
  • Subtract 3. (27-3=24)
  • Divide by 2. (24/2=12)
  • After that, subtract the number you first thought. (12-9=3)

Answer: You get three every time.

Math Magic Trick 11 » Four Every Time

Think of any number from 2 to 9. Let’s suppose you think 8.

  • Multiply by 9. (8*9=72)
  • Add the digits of the answer together. (7+2=9)
  • Subtract 5. (9-5=4)

Answer: You get four every time.

Math Magic Trick 12 » Five Every Time

Think of any number from 1 to 10. Let’s suppose you think 1.

  • Then multiply by 2. (1*2=2)
  • Add 10 to the answer. (2+10=12)
  • Divide by 2. (12/2=6)
  • After that, subtract the number you first thought. (6-1=5)

Answer: You get five every time.

Math Magic Trick 13 » Six Every Time

Think of any number from 1 to 10. Let’s suppose you think 4.

  • Then add 3. (4+3=7)
  • Multiply the answer by 5. (7*5=35)
  • Add 15. (35+15=50)
  • Divide by 5. (50/5=10)
  • After that, subtract the number you first thought. (10-4=6)

Answer: You get six every time.

Math Magic Trick 14 » Eight Every Time

Think of any number from 1 to 99. Let’s suppose you think 6.

  • Then subtract 1. (6-1=5)
  • Multiply the answer by 3. (5*3=15)
  • Add 12. (15+12=27)
  • Divide by 3. (27/3=9)
  • Add 5. (9+5=14)
  • After that, subtract the number you first thought. (14-6=8)

Answer: You get eight every time.

Math Magic Trick 15 » Nine Every Time

Think of any number from 20 to 99. Let’s suppose you think of number 39.

  • Add the digits of the thinking number together. (3+9=12)
  • Subtract the number you first thought. (39-12=27)
  • Add the digits of the answer together. (2+7=9)

Answer: You get nine every time.

Math Magic Trick 16 » Ten Every Time

Think of any number from 1 to 10. Let’s suppose you think 8.

  • Then add 5. (8+5=13)
  • Multiply the answer by 3. (13*3=39)
  • Subtract 15. (39-15=24)
  • Divide by the number you first thought. (24/8=3)
  • Add 7. (3+7=10)

Answer: You get ten every time.

Math Magic Trick 17 » Fifteen Every Time

Think of any number from 1 to 999. Let’s suppose you think 49.

  • Then multiply by 3. (49x3=147)
  • Then add 45 to the answer. (147+45=192)
  • Multiply by 2. (192x2=384)
  • Divide by 6. (384/6=64)
  • After that, subtract the number you first thought. (64-49=15)

Answer: You get fifteen every time.

Math Magic Trick 18 » Thirty-seven Every Time

Think of any number that has three identical digits. Let’s suppose you think 666.

  • Add the digits of the answer together. (6+6+6=18)
  • Divide the answer you first thought. (666/18=37)

Answer: You get thirty-seven every time.

Math Magic Trick 19 » Eighteen Every Time

Think of any number that has three different digits. Let’s suppose you think 438.

  • Now, change the digits to go in the opposite order. (834)
  • Subtract the new number from the number you first thought. (834-438=396)
  • Add the digits of the answer together. (3+9+6=18)

Answer: You get eighteen every time.

Math Magic Trick 20 » Quickly Calculate Big Numbers

  1. Ask your friend to write five numbers and tell them the answer before the calculation, which is 221594.
  2. Ask your friend to write another five numbers.
  3. Then you write five numbers, which are equal to 99999.
  4. Ask your friend to write another five numbers.
  5. Then you write again five numbers, which is equal to 99999.
  6. Finally, add all five numbers, and your answer is the same as what you gave earlier.
1. Your friend wrote:21596
2. Your friend again writes:56378
3. Now you write:43621
4. Your friend again writes:32580
5. Now you write:67419
6. Add all 5 numbers:221594

For answers, just add 2 before the number and subtract 2 from the last digits: 221594.

If the last number is 1, it means 11-2=9. If the last number is 0, it means 10-2=8. Similarly, if the last numbers are 100, it means 100-2=98. For example, if your friend writes the number 21590, that means the answer is 221588. If your friend writes the number 21500, that means the answer is 221498. Similarly, if your friend writes 21591, that means the answer is 221589.

When you write a number, make sure the total sum is 9. If the user writes 5, then you write 4. If the user writes 9, then you write 0. Similarly, 8 means you write 1.

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Now that you understand the math magic trick, you can perform it confidently and leave your friends wondering how you managed to make math so mysteriously magical!

In wrapping up our journey through the world of math magic, we hope you’ve discovered that math isn’t just about algebra, equations, and x=y calculations. It can be a source of wonder and amazement. As you practice and perform these tricks, you’ll not only entertain your friends and family but also start to like math more. It’s like finding out how magicians do their tricks; math becomes your special tool for making people amazed.

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Remember, math is not something to fear or avoid. It’s a fascinating realm where magic happens every day. So, go ahead, share these math magic tricks with your friends, and watch their faces light up with amazement. Keep the spirit of curiosity alive, and who knows, you might even inspire the next generation of math enthusiasts. Thank you for joining us on this math-filled adventure. Now, go and use math to do your own magic!

Can I use these math magic tricks in my YouTube videos and shorts?

If you’d like to use these math magic tricks in your YouTube videos and shorts, you’re welcome to do so. However, to avoid any copyright issues, proper credit to NewOfferSee is required. Please make sure to link to this blog post in your video’s description. This way, you can share these interesting math magic tricks with your audience while respecting the source of the content. It’s always a good practice to acknowledge the creators of the content you use to maintain transparency and avoid copyright strikes.

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Author: Asif

Asif is a freelance writer who shares his knowledge and experience on how to build and run a successful online business. Whether you are a beginner or a pro, you will find valuable tips and resources on his blog » NewOfferSee Digital Time »

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