The Best 8 Freelancing Websites to Boost Your Career

In today’s job market, freelancing has become a popular way for professionals to boost their careers and find success. If you have skills, it’s unlikely that you will be unemployed. This is because there are many online job opportunities available. If you live in a developing country and find it hard to secure well-paying jobs, freelancing can be a good option for you. However, it’s important to remember that freelancing requires expertise in your chosen field. It’s not like affiliate marketing or blogging, where you can earn passive income. On freelancing platforms, you need to be actively looking for projects and be ready to respond promptly when you find one that matches your skills.

Freelancers are people who work independently and offer their skills and services to clients. They can work from anywhere. To connect freelancers with clients, there are a few reliable platforms available. These platforms provide freelancers with opportunities to showcase their talents, grow their careers, and find new clients.

Which is the best platform for freelancer?

In this article, we will look at the reliable freelancing websites that can help you boost your career. These websites are known for their good reputation, user-friendly interfaces, and the success stories of freelancers who have found great opportunities through them. Whether you are a writer, designer, programmer, marketer, or have any other valuable skill, these platforms offer a wide variety of jobs and projects to help you grow professionally.

If you want to advance your career, come along with us. We discovered the best 8 freelancing websites. These platforms can provide you with exciting opportunities to earn money online and help you grow professionally.

1. Fiverr

See Fiverr. For beginners stepping into the world of freelancing, Fiverr serves as a powerful tool to unlock freelancing opportunities and propel their careers forward. With its user-friendly interface and wide range of services, Fiverr has become the go-to platform for freelancers worldwide. In this section, we will explore how Fiverr can serve as the perfect launching pad for beginners looking to boost their careers in the freelance industry.

A Diverse Marketplace

Fiverr provides an extensive marketplace where freelancers can offer their skills and services in more than 1,000 categories. Whether you are a writer, graphic designer, web developer, or social media marketer, Fiverr has a niche for everyone. This diversity ensures that beginners can find their area of expertise and showcase their talents to potential clients.

Start Selling Without Approval

One of the major advantages of Fiverr is that you don’t need approval to become a seller. Unlike some other freelancing platforms that require extensive experience and lengthy approval processes, Fiverr allows newcomers to start selling their services right away. This makes it an ideal platform for those who are just starting out and want to gain valuable experience and build their portfolio.

It’s free to join, and you don’t have to pay any fees to list your services. When you complete a job, you get to keep 80% of the money you earn. All you need to do is create a good gig, promote it, and provide excellent work to your clients. You can easily withdraw your earnings from Fiverr using two popular payment methods: PayPal and Payoneer.

Gig-Based System

Fiverr works in a way where freelancers create “gigs” to showcase their services. This makes it simpler for beginners because they can concentrate on creating a catchy gig title, writing a clear gig description, and deciding on reasonable prices. This gig-based system also helps clients because they can easily browse through different services and choose the ones that suit their needs. It increases the chances of getting hired for both freelancers and clients.

With Gig Packages on Fiverr, you have the flexibility to set your own prices, ranging from $5 to $995. This feature allows you to offer three different prices for your service, each with its own price point. For example, you can provide a basic version of your service at a lower price, a standard version with additional features at a moderate price, and a premium version with the most comprehensive offering at a higher price. This pricing structure gives you the opportunity to cater to different client needs and budgets while maximizing your earning potential.

Unlock Job Opportunities for AI Experts

Fiverr is a website where you can find many AI services. If you know about AI software, like ChatGPT, and can use it well, there are many job opportunities for you on Fiverr. Clients on Fiverr are looking for freelancers with AI skills to help them with different tasks like image design, website development, article writing, or video editing. They want to hire freelancers who know a lot about AI and are experts in this field. So, if you have AI knowledge, Fiverr can be a great place to find work online.

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Fiverr Pro

Fiverr Pro is a special part of Fiverr for freelancers who want the best job opportunities. It connects you with clients who are willing to pay more for top-quality services. By joining Fiverr Pro, you become a member of a special group of highly talented freelancers.

Getting approved for Fiverr Pro is not simple, but it’s worth it. Fiverr Pro has strict standards and only accepts freelancers with exceptional skills and a proven record of doing great work. It may take more time and effort to meet their requirements.

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If you want to get approved on Fiverr Pro, you need to be really good at what you do. Clients expect the best quality work and impressive results. For freelancers on Fiverr, it’s important to build a good reputation. Fiverr has a system where clients can give feedback and rate freelancers based on their experience. This system is crucial as it helps build trust and credibility. Getting positive reviews and high ratings can greatly improve a beginner’s profile, attracting more clients and increasing the chances of getting approved for Fiverr Pro.

2. PeoplePerHour

Exclusive PeoplePerHour Offer » Get $35 in free money when you spend $75+. PeoplePerHour is a leading freelancing platform that connects businesses with talented professionals from around the globe. With its user-friendly interface and robust features, PeoplePerHour offers an ideal platform for freelancers to showcase their skills and find rewarding projects. Whether you’re a writer, designer, developer, marketer, or any other type of freelancer, PeoplePerHour can help boost your career in several ways.

Flexible Work Arrangements

Freelancers on PeoplePerHour have the freedom to choose their working hours and set their own rates. This flexibility enables you to create a work-life balance that suits your needs while maximizing your earning potential.

Enhanced Visibility

With a robust profile and portfolio system, PeoplePerHour allows freelancers to showcase their work and skills effectively. You can create a compelling profile that highlights your expertise, experience, and previous projects, making it easier for clients to discover and hire you. Additionally, the platform provides opportunities for freelancers to gain recognition through ratings, reviews, and cert1 to cert5 badges, further boosting their credibility and visibility.

Approval Process

To get approved as a freelancer on PeoplePerHour, you need to follow a simple process. First, you fill out an online application on their website, where you provide your personal details, work experience, skills, and portfolio samples. After you submit your application, the moderation team carefully reviews it to ensure that you meet their quality standards. Once they evaluate your application, they will make a decision on whether to approve you as a freelancer on PeoplePerHour. If approved, you’ll gain access to a variety of projects posted by clients worldwide. Just make sure to provide accurate and detailed information in your application to increase your chances of approval.

After finishing a project, you can easily generate an invoice right from your project stream. Everything you need is already prepared for you. The invoice is automatically filled with data from your project, but you can edit the amount. Once you send the invoice, your client will be notified immediately. When they approve the payment, the funds are transferred from the project’s secure escrow account to your PeoplePerHour account.

Secure Payment System

PeoplePerHour provides a secure payment system that safeguards both freelancers and clients. The platform uses escrow services, ensuring that freelancers receive payment for their completed work and clients have assurance that the work meets their expectations before releasing funds. This system minimizes the risk of non-payment, making it a reliable platform for freelancers to work on. The platform offers chat tools that facilitate seamless collaboration between freelancers and clients. It ensures effective communication throughout the project lifecycle.

Freelancer Fee Rates

You don’t have to pay any fees to sign up for projects on PeoplePerHour. Even posting an offer is free. However, when you earn money from projects, PeoplePerHour will deduct a service fee from your earnings. Here are the fee rates:

PeoplePerHour is a great freelancing website for making money because if you have earned over £5000 throughout your time on PeoplePerHour, the service fee you need to pay is the lowest. It’s just 3.5% of your earnings. This means you get to keep more of your hard-earned money when compared to other freelancing websites.

However, in the beginning, if your lifetime earnings are below £250, the service fee is 20% of your earnings. If you have earned between £250 and £5000 throughout your time on PeoplePerHour, the service fee is 7.5% of your earnings.

When you will receive the money in your PeoplePerHour Account. You can keep the funds in your account to use them for purchasing services. Alternatively, you can choose to withdraw the money and transfer it to your PayPal, Payoneer, or bank account. The choice is yours!

3. Upwork

Upwork is a freelancing platform that offers a wide variety of jobs. Founded in 2003 as Elance and, since 2015, as Upwork, it is one of the most popular freelancing platforms. Upwork has a vast user base and an extensive range of job categories. This means there are endless chances for individuals to show off their skills and move their careers ahead. However, Upwork also has some challenges and drawbacks, such as competition, high fees, and quality control. Freelancers need to be proactive, professional, and adaptable to succeed on Upwork. In this context, a new freelancer might say that Upwork is not for everyone, but it can be rewarding for those who are willing to work hard and smart.

Freelancer Plus Plan

When you join Upwork, it’s free to create your profile. Whenever you earn money from clients through Upwork, they will deduct a 10% fee. UpWork has a great reputation and offers a lot of protection for both freelancers and clients. If you want to enhance your Upwork experience, you have the option to upgrade to Freelancer Plus. This upgraded plan costs $14.99 per month and comes with several added advantages.

Firstly, your profile will remain active even if you take a break, ensuring that potential clients can still discover and reach out to you. Additionally, with Freelancer Plus, you gain the ability to see what bids other freelancers are making on job postings, which allows you to make more informed decisions about your proposals.

Connects are used to connect with clients and apply for new projects. Freelancer Plus provides you with 80 Connects per month. This includes 70 Connects that are part of your plan purchase and an additional 10 Connects that are given to you for free by Upwork. Also, the Plus plan gives you the ability to rollover unused Connects.

By upgrading, you also receive a customized profile URL from Upwork, making it easier for clients to remember your profile. Lastly, if you prefer to keep your earnings private, Freelancer Plus allows you to do so, offering you the option to maintain confidentiality.

Sell Ready-to-use Projects

Freelancers can find and do the work they love in various categories and skills, from coding and design to writing and marketing. You can create a profile that showcases your portfolio, experience, and rates and apply for jobs that match your interests. Freelancers can also post ready-made projects to attract clients.

The Upwork Project Catalog is like Fiverr gigs. Freelancers can make and sell ready-to-use projects. They can offer three different options for clients to choose from. Each option has its own features and price. This gives freelancers more choices to offer and lets clients pick the one that suits them best.

The Project Catalog on Upwork helps freelancers show what they can do and find clients easily. Clients can buy projects without posting a job. Freelancers can post 20 projects and set their own rules. When a client buys a project, the payment is kept safe until the project is done. Freelancers pay a 10% fee and a small payment processing fee. The Project Catalog is a great tool for freelancers to save time, earn more money, and have more control over their work.

Success Stories

Upwork has a section on their website called Success Stories, where they showcase how businesses have used their platform to achieve their goals. For example, Southside Blooms turned a $150 budget into $50 million in media coverage and achieved 16x sales growth in three years. Another example is how Upwork Talent helped an events company thrive in virtual spaces by achieving a 3x increase in website visitors and 2.5x more keywords in the top three SERP spots.

Secure Payment System

Upwork understands the importance of secure payment systems for freelancers. The platform handles all payment transactions, ensuring that freelancers are paid promptly and reliably for their work. It offers escrow services, so payments are released only when both parties are happy with the work. Upwork’s built-in time tracking and invoicing tools make it easier to track the progress of your projects and streamline your financial management.

Upwork offers a range of collaboration tools that facilitate effective communication between freelancers and clients. From file sharing and messaging to video conferencing, these tools ensure smooth collaboration throughout the project lifecycle. Additionally, Upwork provides a support system for freelancers, offering resources, forums, and a dedicated customer support team to address any queries.

4. Guru

Guru has emerged as a go-to platform for professional freelancers seeking to boost their careers. Whether you are looking for full-time or part-time work or just want to earn some extra income, you can browse through thousands of freelance jobs posted by clients and employers from around the world. You can also use filters to narrow down your search by category, budget, and location.

Once you find a project that you like, you can send a quote to the client or employer. A quote is your proposal that tells the client why you are the best person for the job, what you can offer, how much you charge, and how long it will take. You can also attach samples of your work or links to your portfolio to showcase your quality. Be clear, concise, and convincing in your quote, and make sure to highlight your value proposition. If the client likes your quote, they will contact you to discuss the project further.

The downside of Guru is that it can be quite competitive, similar to Upwork, and it can be hard to stand out from the crowd. There are often many freelancers bidding for the same job. However, if you’re confident in your skills and have a strong portfolio, then Guru can be a great way to find high-paying freelance work.

Membership Tiers

Guru offers different membership tiers to freelancers, including Basic, Basic+, Professional, Business, and Executive. Each tier comes with varying features and benefits, such as the number of bids per month, premium quotes, search boost, and access to advanced tools. Choosing the appropriate membership level can enhance your visibility and increase your chances of winning projects.

In the free plan on Guru, they charge a fee of 9% for each job you do, and you get 10 chances to apply for jobs every month. If you want more opportunities, you can upgrade your plan starting at $11.95 to increase the number of bids you can make.

If you choose to join the Executive Plan, which costs $49.95 per month, you can lower the job fee to 5%. This means you’ll keep more of the money you earn from your jobs.

Guru Workroom

Once a freelancer is hired on Guru, a dedicated workspace called a WorkRoom is created for each job. WorkRooms serve various purposes, including managing agreements, facilitating private communication, enabling team collaboration, creating and assigning tasks, sharing files, managing payments and invoices through SafePay, and providing status updates. The Workroom streamlines the entire project workflow, ensuring efficient and transparent communication between all parties involved.


Guru SafePay is a service that allows clients and freelancers to securely manage their payments for online work. With SafePay, clients can deposit funds in advance and release them only when they are satisfied with the work. Freelancers can work with confidence knowing that their payment is protected and guaranteed. SafePay also offers dispute resolution services in the event of any disagreements.

Freelancers have four safe ways to withdraw their money. If you’re in the United States, you can choose Direct Deposit. For freelancers worldwide, there are three options: PayPal, Payoneer, and wire transfer.

5. Toptal

Toptal takes pride in selecting only the best freelancers. They have a strict process where they choose only the top 3% of freelancers. This means that clients can access highly skilled professionals who can deliver excellent work. When you become a member of Toptal, you have the opportunity to display your portfolio, and clients can hire you based on your work experience.

The requirements for joining TopTal are based on your skills, experience, and professionalism. You need to have at least 2-3 years of relevant experience in your field, excellent communication skills in English, and the ability to work well with clients and teams.

Toptal has many different types of freelance projects in various industries and fields. Whether you are good at software development, design, finance, project management, or something else, Toptal has a place for you to find challenging projects that match your skills and interests.

Doesn’t Deduct any Fees From The Freelancers Commission

Freelancers get paid the full amount of their hourly or fixed rate. Toptal can earn money by charging a service fee to clients who hire freelancers from its network. The service fee is a markup over the hourly or fixed rate of the freelancers, which Toptal sets themselves based on their skills, experience, and duration. Toptal doesn’t take any fees from the freelancers, and they can keep 100% of their earnings.

According to some sources, Toptal’s service fee ranges from 10% to 60% of the freelancers’ rate. For example, if a freelancer charges $100 per hour, the client may pay between $110 and $160 per hour to Toptal, which includes the service fee. Toptal also charges a flat fee of $500 per hire as an initial deposit.

Toptal doesn’t disclose its exact pricing and fees on its website, but it claims to offer transparent and competitive rates that reflect the quality and value of its talent network. You can request a quote from Toptal by filling out a form on its website.

Easy Client Matching Process

Toptal has a unique approach to connecting freelancers with clients. Instead of searching for jobs, they directly match you with clients based on your expertise and the project requirements. This saves time and makes the process smoother, so you can focus on doing your best work. The matching process also helps build long-term partnerships and repeat business.

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One of the significant advantages of freelancing is the potential for higher earnings. Toptal acknowledges this and strives to provide competitive compensation for its freelancers. By connecting with high-profile clients and working on challenging projects, you can command premium rates that reflect your expertise and experience. Furthermore, Toptal ensures that freelancers receive timely payments for their work, giving you peace of mind and financial stability.

6. Freelancer

Freelancer Exclusive Offer » Get $20 in free credits when you spend $50+. If you have skills and are looking for a way to make money online, then you should consider joining Freelancer. It is the top freelancing website, where you can find jobs of any size or budget across 2000+ skills. By browsing through the portfolios of other freelancers and seeing the amazing work they have done for their clients, you can also get inspired.

Freelancer has over 60 million registered users from all over the world. You can browse through thousands of projects posted every day in categories ranging from software development to data entry, from logo design to video editing, from web developer to graphic designer. You can bid on projects that match your skills and interests and negotiate the terms and budget with the clients directly.

Individuals have the freedom to choose their preferred work schedule, allowing them to maintain a healthy balance between their job and personal life. You can also decide how much to charge for your work and set rates that you believe are fair. When it comes to withdrawing your earnings, you have many easy options with low fees. You can use services like PayPal, Skrill, Payoneer, or a bank transfer.

Freelancer Fees

When you work on fixed-price projects on Freelancer and you win a project, they will charge you a small fee based on the project’s value. If you end up getting paid more than the original bid amount, Freelancer will also charge a fee for the extra payment. The fee for fixed-price projects is 10% or $5, whichever is higher. For hourly projects, the fee is 10% of the payment.

If you’re a free member on Freelancer, you start with six bids available each month. However, you have the option to upgrade to the basic membership plan for $4.99 per month, which gives you 50 bids every month. With this plan, you also get 3 free highlighted contest entries and 12 free sealed contest entries every month.

The highest membership plan on Freelancer is called the Premier plan. It costs $99 per month. With this plan, you get 1500 bids per month and access to advanced features.

Freelancer Contests

You can participate in contests where you can compete with other freelancers for a prize. Clients can post a contest for any category, set a prize amount, and set a time duration. Freelancers can enter as many contests as they want, showcase their creativity, and win prizes.

Skill Development and Certification

Your certificate and skills score will be displayed on your profile. To stand out in a competitive freelancing market, it’s crucial to continuously upgrade your skills. Freelancer understands the importance of skill development and offers various resources to help you enhance your expertise. The platform provides skill tests and certifications that validate your capabilities and increase your credibility as a freelancer.

Preferred Freelancer Program

The Freelancer Preferred Freelancer Program (PFP) is a special group for the best freelancers, similar to TopTal. To become a part of this program, you need to go through a verification process and an extensive interview.

The goal is to connect the top freelancers with the best clients and provide them with a high-quality experience. To join, freelancers must meet certain criteria, such as having a good reputation, completing projects successfully, and earning well. You also need to pass the Preferred Freelancer entrance exam and have a record of outstanding performance without any issues and negative reviews. Preferred Freelancers receive personal invitations from the freelancer recruiter team every day to bid on premium projects. Joining the PFP doesn’t require any payment. Once you become a Preferred Freelancer, you can stay in the program as long as you continue to meet the eligibility requirements and follow the rules. Preferred Freelancers don’t have to pay upfront fees for recruiter projects. The fee structure remains the same for regular projects.

7. TrueLancer

Looking for freelance jobs online? Truelancer is a global platform that connects freelancers with clients who need different services like app development, graphic design, blog writing, virtual assistants, and SEO consultants.

Truelancer has a simple and easy-to-use interface. You can create a profile, search for jobs, send proposals, and talk to clients easily. It’s also a great place to show off your portfolio, which can help you attract more clients and build trust. Truelancer makes sure you get paid securely and on time. You can choose your preferred payment method, like PayPal, Payoneer, bank transfer, or Truelancer wallet.

Joining Truelancer is free, but there is a 10% service fee, and you can only bid on projects with a maximum value of $75. You can send up to 20 proposals for free every month. As a free member, you can list up to five services without any cost. If you want more resources, you can purchase a membership plan starting at $5 per month.

There is also a “Plus” plan available for $50. With this plan, the service fee is reduced to 8%. You can send up to 150 proposals per month and list up to 25 services. The Plus plan also provides access to all the premium features available on the platform.

8. SolidGigs

Start Your SolidGigs Free Trial Today. You may be able to find a few one-off projects here and there, but it’s tough to find a platform that allows you to connect with clients on a regular basis. If you’re a freelancer, you know how time-consuming and frustrating it can be to find quality clients and projects. You have to scour dozens of websites, send countless pitches, and compete with thousands of other freelancers for the same gigs.

But what if there was a better way? A way to get freelance leads on autopilot without spending hours on job boards. That’s where SolidGigs comes in.

SolidGigs is different from platforms like PeoplePerHour or Fiverr because it’s not a place where freelancers can directly find work. Instead, SolidGigs serves as a helpful tool that can boost your existing freelance business. Here’s how it works when you join SolidGigs:

You let SolidGigs know the types of freelance gigs you’re interested in. SolidGigs searches through many different sources to find clients that match your preferences. Once SolidGigs finds a good match, you receive a notification. You can then send a pitch or proposal directly to the client through the lead source provided by SolidGigs. By connecting with these well-suited clients, you have a better chance of winning more projects that align with your preferences. As a result, your freelance business can grow, and you can attract more of your ideal clients.

SolidGigs Fees

You get to keep 100% of the money you make from your clients. This way, you have complete control over your relationships with your clients. With SolidGigs, you only pay for subscription plans: Monthly $35 per month and yearly $21 per month (save 40%). SolidGigs offers a free trial for 7 days, so you can test it out and see if it works for you.

SolidGigs is a great option for freelancers who are looking for long-term projects. The platform offers a wide range of project types, including web development, design, and copywriting. You don’t need to browse projects; they come to you.


When it comes to boosting your freelancing career, having access to reliable and reputable freelancing websites is essential. The top eight platforms we explored offer unique features and opportunities for freelancers in different industries. Whether you prefer a wide range of job categories, a gig-based approach, curated job opportunities, a comprehensive platform, or a platform connecting you with elite clients, there is a freelancing website that can cater to your specific needs.

Remember, success in freelancing requires more than just signing up for a website. It requires dedication, professionalism, and continuous improvement of your skills. By using the right freelancing websites and working hard, you can improve your career path, expand your network, and reach your freelance goals.

So, choose the platform that aligns with your aspirations, stay proactive, and embrace the opportunities that freelancing websites provide. Your career as a freelancer is yours to shape, and with the right platform, you can take it to new heights. Best of luck on your freelancing journey!

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Author: Asif

Asif is a freelance writer who shares his knowledge and experience on how to build and run a successful online business. Whether you are a beginner or a pro, you will find valuable tips and resources on his blog » NewOfferSee Digital Time »

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