36 Do’s & Don’ts for Writing an Effective Article Title

Bloggers and writers spend a lot of time looking for images and researching content, but only a few minutes on the title. Your 64-word title represents your 2,500-word content. It’s the first sentence that users see and decide whether to read the article or not.

You only have a split second to make a first impression. It doesn’t matter how good a writer you are; you will find that if you don’t pay attention to the title of your article, there is a good chance that your blog will not have a long life online.

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How do you write an effective title for an article?

When it comes to writing an article, your title is your first and best chance to hook your reader. With that in mind, here are 36 do’s and don’ts for writing an effective article title. We’ll discuss common mistakes. But first, we show examples of effective titles and explain why they’re better than others.

1. Do » Listicle Title

Listicles are extremely popular these days. A listicle title is a type of title that is used to present content in a list format, with each item on the list providing valuable information. Here’s an example of a listicle title:

7 Simple Tips for Eating Healthier on a Busy Schedule

In this example, the title uses the number seven to indicate a list format. The title also uses strong keywords, including “healthier” and “busy schedule,” to optimize it for search engines and ensure that it is relevant to readers who are looking for tips on how to eat healthier.

The title also promises simplicity, which is likely to appeal to busy readers who are looking for quick and easy ways to improve their diet. By using a listicle title, the author is able to break down the information into easily digestible pieces, making it more accessible and actionable for readers.

2. Do » Ask a Question Title

When you search for anything on Google, you will see many questions appear in the “People also ask” section. These are the popular questions to which users are looking for answers. Asking a question in your title is a great way to engage your reader and encourage them to click through to your article. A well-crafted question can also give your article a focus, which can be helpful if you’re writing on a broad topic.

Here’s an example of an “Ask a Question” title:

Is Your Marketing Strategy Outdated? Here’s How to Update It

In this example, the title asks a question that is likely to resonate with business owners or marketers who are looking to improve their marketing strategies. The question is specific, clear, and directly relevant to the content of the article.

The title also promises value by offering a solution to the question. By using an “Ask a Question” title, the author is able to grab readers’ attention and encourage them to read on to find out how to update their marketing strategy.

3. Do » Versus A vs B

In an article title, using “versus” or “vs” is a way to create a sense of competition or comparison between two things. Here’s an example of a title that uses “versus” to create an engaging and effective title:

Coffee vs. Tea: Which is Better for Productivity and Health?

In this example, the title uses “vs” to compare two popular beverages, coffee and tea. The title creates curiosity by making comparisons and making it seem like a competition. Even though it is possible that users are not searching for tea, it is a power of the title that the reader be interested in finding out which drink has more benefits.

The title also includes strong keywords, including “productivity” and “health,” which are likely to be relevant to readers who are looking for ways to improve their overall well-being. By using “versus” in the title, the author is able to set the stage for the rest of the article.

4. Do » Titles That Solve a Problem

Titles that solve a problem are effective because they appeal to readers who are searching for solutions to a specific problem. Here’s an example:

How to Fix Slow Loading Times on Your WordPress Site

This title addresses a common problem that many bloggers face: slow loading times. The title uses a “How To” format with under 60 characters and targets WordPress users. It offers a solution to the problem by providing tips on how to fix it.

Other examples of titles that solve a problem could include:

Top 10 Exercises for Relieving Back Pain
5 Ways to Reduce Your Monthly Energy Bill
How to Increase Your Blog Traffic: 10 Proven Strategies for Success
How to Write an Effective Cover Letter: A Winning Formula

5. Do » Education Titles

Education titles are those that aim to educate readers about a particular topic. Two common words used in education titles are “learn” and “tutorials.” Here’s an explanation of each with an example:

Learn Titles

Learn Spanish in 30 Days: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

In this example, the title uses the word “Learn” to indicate that the article will provide a comprehensive guide on how to learn Spanish. The title also includes strong keywords, including “30 Days” and “Step-by-Step Guide” to optimize it for search engines and ensure that it is relevant to readers who are looking to learn Spanish.

The title promises value by offering readers an actionable plan for learning Spanish. It positions the author as a Spanish language expert.

Tutorial Titles

Photoshop Tutorial: How to Create a Stunning Logo in 10 Easy Steps

In this example, the title uses the word “Tutorial” to indicate that the article will provide a step-by-step guide on how to create a stunning logo using Photoshop. The title also includes strong keywords, including “Photoshop”, “Stunning Logo”, and “10 Easy Steps” to optimize it for search engines. By using a “Tutorial” title, the author is able to appeal to readers who are interested in learning new Photoshop skills or designing techniques.

6. Do » Add Icons

Adding icons to article titles is a visual strategy that can help make the title more eye-catching and memorable for readers. Here’s an example of an article title that incorporates icons:

5 Ways to Reduce Stress and Boost Productivity 🚀

In this example, the rocket icon is used to add a visual element to the title and to emphasize the promise of productivity that the article offers. The rocket icon also adds flair to the title, making it stand out from other articles on the same topic.

When using icons in article titles, it’s important to choose an icon that is relevant to the topic of the article and that adds value to the title. Icons should also be used sparingly and strategically, so as not to overwhelm the reader or distract from the main message of the title.

7. Do » Review Title

A review title is a title that describes a review or critique of a product or service experience. Here’s an example of a review title:

An Honest Review of the iPhone 15 Pro Max: Is It Worth the Upgrade?

In this example, the title clearly states the topic of the review, the iPhone 15 Pro Max, and indicates that the review will be an honest assessment of the product. The title also includes a question that is likely to be on the minds of readers who are considering purchasing the iPhone 15 Pro Max: is it worth the upgrade?

The title shows the author’s expertise on technological gadgets. By using a review title, the author is able to offer readers valuable insights and advice on whether or not to purchase the product, and they can also help readers make informed purchasing decisions.

8. Do » Pros and Cons Title

From an informed, unbiased perspective. A well-researched list of pros and cons will provide readers with both the benefits and drawbacks of a given idea, topic, or product. Pros-and-cons titles required extensive research or personal experience. Here’s an example of a Pros and Cons title:

The Pros and Cons of Remote Work: Is It Right for You?

In this example, the title clearly states the topic being discussed, “remote work” and indicates that the article will provide a balanced view of the advantages and disadvantages of this work arrangement. The title also includes a question that is likely to be on the minds of readers who are considering remote work: is it right for them? It can help the reader make a decision.

9. Do » Include the Words ‘Promo Code’, ‘Coupon Code’

Including the words “promo code” or “coupon code” in an article title can be an effective way to attract readers who are interested in getting a discount or special offer. Here’s an example of a title that includes these words:

Save 20% on Amazon Purchases with Our Exclusive Promo Code: [CODE]

In this example, the title clearly states that readers can save money on their next purchase by using a specific promo code. The title also creates a sense of exclusivity by using the word “exclusive”. It suggests that this offer is only available to readers who are viewing the article.

By including promotion words in the title, the author is encourage users to click on the article to learn more. The title also positions the author as a deal hunter, which can help to build trust and credibility with readers.

You can replace “your next purchase” with your affiliate product, like website hosting or an e-commerce store name. Keep in mind that you must follow the terms of your affiliate store. Make sure the coupon code being promoted is legitimate and that readers can actually benefit from it.

10. Do » Include the Words ‘Free’,’Download’

When it comes to crafting effective article titles, using the words “free” and “download” can be a powerful way to catch readers’ attention and generate interest. People love freebies. Whatever niche you have targeted, free and download terms will boost your views. Here’s an example of a title that includes these words:

10 Best Free Graphic Download Sites for Your Next Design

In this example, the title clearly states that readers can access free graphic downloads by visiting the recommended sites. The title also creates a sense of value by suggesting that readers can save money by using these sites instead of purchasing graphics.

The author strategically incorporates the words “free” and “download” in the title. These words entice readers to explore the article further. The title also indicates that the author has already completed researching free sources. So users can see your site first instead of starting their own research.

Note: It’s important to use these words responsibly. Ensure that the free download being promoted is genuine and of high quality, so that readers feel satisfied and eager to come back for more.

11. Do » Myth-busting Titles

Myth-busting titles are a type of article title that seeks to challenge common misconceptions or myths about a particular topic. Here’s an example of a myth-busting title:

Common Fitness Myths: Why You Don’t Need to Exercise for Hours to Get in Shape

In this example, the title challenges a common belief. That you need to exercise for hours every day to achieve your fitness goals. By using the word “myths” and the phrase “common fitness myths,” the title implies that the article will address and debunk multiple misconceptions related to fitness and exercise.

When writing myth-busting titles, it’s important to be specific about the myths being challenged and to provide compelling evidence and research to support the article’s claims.

12. Do » Mistakes to Avoid Titles

“Mistakes to Avoid” titles are a type of article title that provide readers with guidance on how to avoid common errors or pitfalls in a particular area. The title also creates a sense of value for readers, as they are able to learn from the mistakes of others and potentially save themselves time, money, and frustration. Here’s an example of a “Mistakes to Avoid” title:

5 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Starting a Small Business

In this example, the title identifies a specific topic, “starting a small business” and suggests that the article will provide readers with actionable advice on how to avoid common mistakes in this area. The use of “Mistakes to Avoid” in the title instills a sense of knowing, as readers are often eager to discover ways to avoid common mistakes.

13. Do » Seasonal Titles

Seasonal titles are a type of article title that capitalizes on upcoming holidays, seasons, or events. Readers are often eager to participate in holiday or seasonal activities. Here’s an example of a seasonal title:

10 Cozy Recipes to Warm You Up This Autumn

In this example, the title takes advantage of the fall season and suggests that the article will provide readers with recipes that are perfect for the cooler weather. By using the word “cozy” and the phrase “warm you up,” the title creates a sense of comfort and appeal, which is especially relevant during the autumn season.

Using a seasonal title, the author can write timely and relevant content. Also, seasons come every year. So by making only small updates, your blog post remains relevant every year.

14. Do » Cultural Titles

Cultural titles explore the culture, tradition, or heritage of a particular community or country. Here’s an example of a cultural title in an Indian context:

The Art of Indian Classical Dance: A Journey Through the Ages

In this example, the title focuses on the art of Indian classical dance. It suggests that the article will take readers on a journey through the ages, exploring the rich history and cultural significance of this traditional art form. By using the phrase “journey through the ages,” the title creates a sense of depth and timelessness, which is especially relevant to those who are interested in the history and evolution of Indian dance.

The title also says that classical dance is still important in Indian culture. By using a cultural title, the author is able to connect with readers who have an interest in Indian culture and dance.

When writing cultural titles, it’s important to use language that targets locals instead of a global audience so that the reader captures the essence of the culture being explored.

15. Do » Predictions Title

A predictions title is a type of article title that offers readers a glimpse into the future of a particular trend, industry, or event. These titles typically use attention-grabbing language to make predictions about the future impact of a certain trend or technology. Here’s an example of a prediction title for digital business:

The Future of eCommerce: 5 Predictions for the Next 5 Years

In this example, the title predicts the impact of five key trends on the future of e-commerce over the next five years. By using the words “future” and “predictions,” the title creates a sense of anticipation and direction, which is especially relevant to those who are interested in digital business and e-commerce. Titles like this can tell readers how to prepare for and take advantage of emerging trends.

16. Do » Earn Money Titles

Earn money titles are a popular type of article title that offer readers advice, tips, and strategies on how to make money. Here’s an example of an earn money title:

10 Creative Ways to Make Money Online in 2023

In this example, the title suggests that the article will provide readers with 10 creative ideas for making money online in the coming year. By using the words “creative ways” and “make money online,” the title creates a sense of innovation and opportunity, which is especially relevant to those who are interested in earning extra income or starting an online business.

Such titles can also appeal to a wide audience, as many people are interested in finding ways to earn more money and achieve financial independence.

17. Do » Include words ‘Best’,’Tips’,’Secrets’

Here are some examples of effective article titles that include these words:

Best: “The 10 Best Books to Read for Personal Development in 2023”
Tips: “10 Expert Tips for Building a Successful Startup”
Secrets: “The Secret to a Happy Life: 5 Surprising Tips from Experts”
Ideas: “10 Creative Gift Ideas for Your Valentine”
Ways: “7 Ways to Boost Your Productivity at Work”
Reasons: “10 Reasons Why You Should Start Your Own Business”
Strategies: “10 Powerful Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses”
Facts: “10 Shocking Facts About the Food Industry You Need to Know”
New: “The Latest Trends in Fashion: New Styles for 2023”
Top: “Top 20 Destinations to Visit in Europe This Summer”

Using certain keywords in article titles can make them more attention-grabbing. For example, “best” implies that the article provides a carefully curated list of options, while “tips” suggests that readers will learn practical advice they can apply to their lives. “Secrets” implies insider knowledge or exclusive information, while “ideas” suggests a range of creative options. “Ways” and “reasons” suggest actionable steps or logical arguments, while “strategies” implies a more detailed plan of action. “Facts” implies data or research, while “new” and “top” suggest the latest and most relevant information.

18. Do » Use Active Voice and Strong Verbs

Using active voice and strong verbs in your article titles can help make them more impactful. Here are a few examples of weak and strong voice article titles:

Weak: The Effects of Social Media on Mental Health
Strong: How Social Media Harms Your Mental Health

Weak: How to Improve Your Writing Skills
Strong: Master the Art of Writing: Tips to Improve Your Skills

Weak: The Benefits of a Healthy Diet
Strong: Transform Your Health with a Balanced and Nutritious Diet

Weak: Tips for Successful Time Management
Strong: Boost Your Productivity with These Time Management Strategies

Weak: The Importance of Exercise
Strong: Unleash the Power of Exercise for Optimal Health

In the examples above, the strong verbs like “harms,” “master,” “transform,” “boost,” and “unleash” create a sense of action and urgency, while the use of active voice makes the titles more direct and engaging. The titles also focus on the outcomes, making them more enticing to readers.

Don’t use weak verbs in your title. This can make it sound passive, and it may not accurately reflect the content of your piece.

19. Do » Use Power Words

Power words are words that evoke emotion and convey a strong message. Making them a powerful tool for creating effective article titles. Here are some examples of power words and how they can be used in article titles:

Futuristic Technologies That Will Transform Your Business
6 Revolutionary Technologies That Shape the Future of Business
Surprising Benefits of Practicing Mindfulness Every Day
Simplify Your Digital Business Operations with These Tools
Expert Advice for Achieving Your Fitness Goals

In these examples, the power words “futuristic”, “revolutionary”, “surprising”, “simplify,”, and “expert” can enhance the impact of the titles. They help convey a sense of authority, excitement, and value to the reader, making them more likely to click and read on.

20. Do » Cities and Country Name

Write content that targets a particular region, then include city and country names in article titles to attract local people.

Let’s say you’re writing an article about the best tourist destinations in Italy. Now, including the name of Italy with specific cities and locations in the article title can help attract readers who are specifically interested in Italy travel. Here are a few examples:

Discovering Italy: The Top 10 Must-Visit Tourist Destinations
Rome, Florence, and Venice: Exploring the Best of Italy’s Historic Cities
Italy Travel Tips: How to Make the Most of Your Next Vacation
Tasting Italy: The Best Food Experiences in Milan

By including location-specific keywords like “Italy” in your article titles, you can improve the visibility of your content in the Italy region. However, it’s important to avoid overusing location names in a way that comes across as spammy or repetitive.

21. Do » Current Events or Trend

It’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest developments and trends in your field and to avoid jumping on the bandwagon of every passing fad. Here are a few examples:

The Role of Technology in the Fight Against Climate Change
The Future of Education: Adapting to Online Learning and Digital Skills
The Metaverse: Exploring the Future of Virtual Reality
The Impact of AI on Digital Marketing: Opportunities and Challenges

If the latest trends are actually relevant to your audience and aligned with your brand’s values and mission, then start writing your next piece of content.

22. Do » Focus only Main Keyword in Title

Rather than write a long title, you can focus only on the main keyword, and the remaining keywords can continue to be written in the description. It is important to logically connect your article title with the description. This can help ensure that readers know what to expect when they click on your content and can also improve your search engine optimization (SEO). Here’s an example in the digital business niche:

Title: Expert Tips for Boosting eCommerce Sales and Traffic for Free
Description: Learn practical strategies for increasing your online store revenue and driving free traffic to your website with these expert tips.

This example’s title contains under 62 words and says the article will give advice on increasing e-commerce sales. While the description expands on this idea and provides more detail. We can include additional keywords in the above description that didn’t fit in the title, like “learn practical strategies”, “online store,” and “free traffic to your website”.

23. Do » Connect Title With Content

After connecting the title with the description, it’s time to connect the title and description with paragraph headings in the content. Let’s say you’re writing an article about the benefits of email marketing for small businesses. Your main keyword might be “email marketing,” which should be included in the title to signal to search engines and readers what the article is about. However, it’s important to avoid using too many additional keywords that may dilute the focus of the title or make it too long.

Here are a few examples of article titles that focus only on the main keyword:

The Power of Email Marketing for Small Business Growth
How Email Marketing Can Help Boost Your Sales and Revenue
Email Marketing: A Key Strategy for Small Business Growth

In the examples above, the main keyword “email marketing” is clearly stated and highlighted in the title, while other potential keywords like “cost-effective marketing”, “eMail campaigns”, and “lead generation” will be included as a subheading in your article content.

Some Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing Article Titles

Crafting the perfect title can be tricky. Your entire work goes to the trash if your titles do not correctly represent the content. There are several common mistakes that writers often make that can undermine the effectiveness of their article. After reading the “Do’s”, you will better understand the “Don’t” of effective titles. We will use “good example” and “bad example”, to explore some of the most common mistakes to avoid when writing article titles.

24. Don’t » Use Fancy Fonts or Colors

Avoid attention-grabbing fancy fonts or colors; instead, use regular fonts. Read the title to ensure it makes sense rather than focusing on designing the title. These elements can be distracting and take away from the overall message you are trying to communicate. Stick to simple, easy-to-read fonts and colors.

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25. Don’t » Use All Caps

Using all caps in your article title can make it harder to read and come across as unprofessional or even aggressive. Here’s an example:


Rather than using capital letters throughout, use them sparingly and only where they’re needed, such as at the beginning of a word. Here’s a better example:

Good Example: 7 Must-Have Plugins for WordPress Blogging

This title uses title case, which capitalizes the first letter of each word. Except for a, an, conjunctions, and prepositions to make it easier on the eyes and more professional.

26. Don’t » Forget to Proofread Headings

Proofreading your article headings is crucial to ensuring that they are error-free and effectively convey your message. Here’s an example of why proofreading is important:

Bad Example: How to Wite a Perfekt Heading for Your Blog post

In this example, the heading contains several errors, including misspellings (“Wite” instead of “Write” and “Perfekt” instead of “Perfect”) and a capitalization error (“post” should be in title case).

To avoid these types of mistakes, it’s important to proofread your headings carefully before publishing them. Here’s a corrected example:

Good Example: How to Write a Perfect Heading for Your Blog Post

In this example, the heading is error-free and uses proper capitalization and spelling.

27. Don’t » Make Your Title Too Long or Confusing

Making your article title too long—more than 64 characters—will only confuse users. Consequently, it can lead to readers losing interest and clicking away from your content. Here’s an example:

Bad Example: 10 Ways to Boost Your Website’s Rankings with On-Page Optimization Strategies

This title is overly long and contains multiple ideas and concepts. It may also be difficult to read in search engine results, where titles are often truncated after a certain length. Instead, keep your title concise and focused on one main idea. Here’s a better example:

Good Example: 10 Proven Strategies to Boost Your Website Rankings
Good Example: 10 Keys for Mastering On-Page Optimization for Better SEO

Both titles are short and to the point, focusing on one key idea and fitting within the 64-character limit for titles.

28. Don’t » Use Jargon or Technical Terms that not everyone will understand

Using jargon or technical terms in your article title can be confusing to readers. You are a developer who knows about technical terms, but most users don’t know about these terms. Usually, bloggers who are not familiar with the programming language search Google for solutions. If your title has difficult language, this could potentially lead them to lose interest and click away from your content. Here’s an example:

Bad Example: Using a SQL Database to Optimize Your E-Commerce Site’s UX

It contains technical terms (“SQL database”, “UX”) that may not be familiar to all readers. You are not targeting those who are experts in the field of e-commerce or technology. Your target audience is beginners or non-programmers.

The title may cause users to think that e-commerce site optimization is a complex process that requires a lot of technical expertise. In reality, e-commerce site optimization is a relatively simple process.

Instead, use plain language and avoid technical jargon whenever possible. Here’s a better example:

Good Example: How to Improve Your E-Commerce Site’s User Experience

People with basic computer skills will click more on this title. How much time users retain on the site now depends on how well you solve technical terms.

29. Don’t » Overpromise

Overpromising gets a lot of clicks and attention, but it ultimately misleads your audience. When crafting an article title, it’s important to avoid overpromising or exaggerating the content of your article. Here’s an example of why you should avoid overpromising:

Bad Example: 10 Secrets to Get Rich Quick in One Month

This title promises readers that they can get rich quickly in just one month by reading the article. This is an unrealistic expectation. This kind of overpromising can result in disappointed readers. Users feel the title misleads us and are unlikely to engage with your content in the future.

Instead, be honest and accurate about the content of your article. Here’s a better example:

Good Example: 10 Practical Tips to Improve Your Finances

This title offers readers practical tips to improve their finances without making unrealistic promises. This way, readers are more likely to engage with the content and find it valuable, leading to a more positive experience for both the reader and the writer.

30. Don’t » Use Punctuation Excessively

When creating article titles, it’s important to avoid using excessive punctuation. Here’s an example:

Bad Example: Top 10 Ways to Boost Your SEO!!!

This title uses too much punctuation with multiple exclamation marks at the end, which can make the title look spammy and unprofessional. It can also give readers the impression that the content is clickbait.

Instead, use appropriate punctuation to convey your message clearly and concisely. Here’s a better example:

Good Example: Boost Your Website SEO: 10 Effective Strategies to Follow

We add the punctuation colon (:), and this title is still under 60 words. Plus, this title communicates the same information as the previous example without excessive punctuation.

31. Don’t » Be Too Similar to Other Titles

When crafting your article title, it’s important to be unique and stand out from other titles on the same topic. Being too similar to other titles may not attract as much attention from readers. Here’s an example of what not to do:

Bad Example: 10 Tips for Successful Blogging

This title is very generic and has been used countless times before. It doesn’t give readers any reason to choose your article over others on the same topic.

Instead, try to be more creative and come up with a unique angle for your title. Here’s a better example:

Good Example: 10 Surprising Blogging Tips That Will Take Your Writing to the Next Level

This one is more specific and has a different angle on blogging tips.

32. Don’t » Use Outdated Information

Using outdated information in your article title can hurt your credibility. Here’s an example of what not to do:

Bad Example: How to Optimize Your Website for Google in 2020

This title is problematic because it uses outdated information. It is now 2023, and the article may no longer be relevant. Additionally, if the information provided in the article is not accurate, it may mislead readers and cause them to lose trust in your content.

Instead, make sure that your article title reflects current, accurate information. Here’s a better example:

Good Example: The Latest Techniques to Optimize Your Website for Google in 2023

This title implies that the article contains up-to-date information. Also, update the content so that it connects to your latest heading.

For example, in January 2023, Google shut down Question Hub. So in 2022, if you suggest getting free traffic from Google Question Hub, now you update this information in your content.

33. Don’t » Forget Your Niche

When crafting an article title, it’s important to remember your niche and target audience. Here’s an example of what not to do in the graphic design niche:

Bad Example: 10 Best Tips for Home Improvement

This title is problematic because it’s not relevant to the graphic design niche. It also confuses search engines.

Instead, make sure your title is specific to the graphic design niche. Here’s a better example:

Good Example: How to Build a Successful Career as a Freelance Graphic Designer
Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid in Graphic Design
10 Essential Graphic Design Tools Every Designer Needs

These titles are specific to the graphic design niche. Readers interested in graphic design will click on this title because it relates to their interests.

34. Don’t » Be Overly Salesy

If your niche is graphics, then your title should focus on providing valuable tips instead of promoting your graphics.

Good Example: 10 Tips for Creating Effective Graphics that Engage Your Audience

This title avoids being overly salesy and provides information that the reader can use to improve their skills.

Bad Example: The Only Graphics Guide You’ll Ever Need: Boost Your Sales Today

On the other hand, the bad example is overly salesy and makes exaggerated claims. It also does not provide specific tips or information that the reader can use, but instead focuses on selling a product or service. This type of title can turn off readers and may not be effective in engaging them. This can have negative consequences, such as losing the trust of your audience and damaging your reputation as a reliable source of information.

35. Don’t » Use too Many Emoji

Don’t use too many emojis in your article title. People won’t take you seriously. Here’s an example of what not to do:

Bad Example: 🔥🚀10 Tips to Make Your WordPress Site Awesome 🤑🎉💯

This title uses multiple emojis that do not add any value to the content and can be distracting for readers. It also makes the title appear unprofessional. Instead, try to limit your use of emojis to one or two relevant ones that can help convey the tone or message of the article. Here’s a better example:

Good Example: 🚀 10 Tips to Improve Your WordPress Site Performance

This title is straightforward and descriptive, providing readers with a clear idea of what the article is about. Also, it’s important to avoid using icons too frequently, as this can diminish headings’ effectiveness and give them a spammy look.

36. Don’t » Write Bad Version of Any Celebarity

When writing an effective article title, it’s important to avoid writing a negative or bad version of any individual, including celebrities. This means refraining from writing titles that are defamatory or insulting toward anyone.

Here is a bad example of an article title that uses a celebrity’s name:

Bad Example: 10 Reasons Why [Celebrity Name] Is a Terrible Role Model

This title is negative and could be perceived as defamatory. It focuses solely on the negative aspects of the celebrity and doesn’t provide any balance or a positive perspective.

Let’s say you want to write an article about a celebrity who has recently been in the news for their behavior. Instead of writing a title that is negative or disparaging, you could focus on a more neutral or positive angle. For example:

Good Example: From Struggles to Success: A Spotlight on [Actor’s Name]’s Inspiring Journey

In this title, the focus is on the actor’s journey and their ability to overcome challenges and achieve success. This title is more respectful and positive, but still catches the reader’s attention.

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A good title opens the door for a few seconds, but good article content opens the door to your blog for a long time.

It is important to know that a good title can increase views of your website. But if content are not provide quality then user not come again on your site.

It can be difficult to write an effective article title. It’s easy to get it wrong and have it come across as something that is either uninteresting or not helpful. Keep these do’s and don’ts in mind when crafting your next article title, and you’ll be sure to make a great first impression!

We hope that these tips help you write an effective article title and inspire you to start sharing your thoughts with the world! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to write comments or ask questions. Thank you for reading!

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Author: Asif

Asif is a freelance writer who shares his knowledge and experience on how to build and run a successful online business. Whether you are a beginner or a pro, you will find valuable tips and resources on his blog » NewOfferSee Digital Time »

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