10 Free Blogging & Guest Posting Platforms for High-Quality Backlinks

Backlinks have a direct impact on your search engine rankings, so they should be a high priority. There are some very easy ways to build up those backlinks and use them to improve your rankings. This blog will highlight some of the top free blogging and guest posting platforms that you can use to start building up your site’s reputation.

Table of Contents

Why Should You Use a Free Blogging Platform to Create Guest Posting?

Free blogging platforms give you all the tools to create blog posts. Blogging platforms are free to signup and provide a free subdomain. You need to write good articles to succeed. Once you write an article, you can easily create backlinks. Many blogging platforms also have the option of monetization, so without the need to purchase a domain and hosting, you can start earning money.

Free Blogging & Guest Posting Platforms for High-Quality Backlinks

How to Choose the Right Niche and Topic for Your Guest Posting?

Guest posting is a great way to gain exposure and backlinks for your website. However, it is important to remember that you are not just writing for your blog. You are also writing for another website, and that site might be in a very competitive niche. This means that if you post a guest blog to a website that is not in your niche and it doesn’t get the exposure you want, then you are wasting your time.

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It is important to choose a topic that has a lot of people interested in it, but that also has the potential for you to grow your own audience. If you are posting something that is already in demand and there are many people interested in it, then you will have a better chance of reaching your audience. You also want to make sure that your content is unique and that the topic is something that you are passionate about. If you are trying to attract a specific demographic, it’s usually a good idea to write a post about a topic that will appeal to them.

10 Free Blogging & Guest Posting Platforms to Create High Quality Backlinks

Are you wondering what the best free blogging sites are? Not sure which blogging platform to choose? Having your own blog is a great way to drive traffic to sell products and services. For those of you who are starting to build a blog and looking for some backlinks to your content, this blog post is for you.

1. Blogger » Share your Work

Blogger is a great tool for writing for the web. You can also post your blog posts there. Blogger was launched on August 23, 1999, by Evan Williams and Meg Hourihan. Google acquired Blogger in 2003 and has subsequently made significant upgrades to every aspect of Blogger’s service.

Blogger is a free blog host. It has an easy-to-use interface that allows you to write, edit, and publish blog entries quickly. Take advantage of the blogger features. Blogger supports multiple languages, custom domains, analytics, unlimited bandwidth, etc., and easily edits HTML code. It makes it easy to edit your content no matter where you are or which device you’re working on.

Blogger is an easy-to-use and effective tool for creating your own website, and the service has many nice features. If you’re looking to set up a blog or simply want to improve your personal branding, Blogger will give you the platform to do so. I am a blogger and I have good experience as a blogger. You can start writing articles straight away, without having to learn how to code HTML or any other programming language for website building.

Google Adsense

Google Adsense is one of the most popular methods of monetizing a website. It’s a pretty neat system that allows a website owner to set up an advertisement.

Blogger has its own Adsense publisher center. With the help of Blogger and Google AdSense, you can create your own Google AdSense account. This is a great way to make money. Google Adsense is a revenue-sharing program from Google that serves ads to the site owner, and the revenue is shared between Google and the publisher.

If you need a blog to write a good number of posts, then this is the most recommended platform. Blogger is a popular choice for bloggers who are hoping to create a blog without spending money.

2. Medium » Earn for your Writing

Medium was created by Evan Williams in August 2012, the same guy who founded Twitter. It is one of the finest online places for writers and everyone else to get noticed. It’s kind of like Twitter’s journalistic version in that it lets you see what people publish and easily follow them.

Medium makes it easy to add formatting and images to your article. It also allows you to follow other users, which can be a great way of finding new blog posts on relevant topics.

If you’ve been looking for analytics for your articles, Medium is the platform for you. This fantastic website allows you to see all of the article’s stats, such as how many views it received, and even allows you to do automatically published schedules! Unfortunately, it doesn’t allow you to optimize your post with ad platforms. Still, this website is a great way to get your content out there.

It’s a great way to get your writing out there because it’s based on an active and engaged community. Users will see your stuff if you put in the effort to make it good. Even better, it runs a partner program. Which means your content gets paid.

Monetizing Medium Blog

You’re starting to think about monetizing your blog and making a little bit more money. Currently, they only require 100+ followers, and one post to apply for the partner program.

All creators on Medium are eligible to sign up for a membership. Their members support writers, artists, photographers, and other creators.

Medium’s model is unique in the journalism world. Writers post stories, and readers pay a subscription fee to read them. It has a membership program through which users can pay to access exclusive content, like new articles by their favorite writers. I’d also like to see more professional writers join Medium and build communities. I believe that professional writers have a lot to offer, to the medium.

Readers of Medium are particularly interested in creative people and cutting-edge ideas. Be sure to leverage this factoid by making it known to them.

3. Tumblr » Create a Blog for Free

Tumblr was founded in February 2007 by David Karp. And then Yahoo! owned Tumblr from 2013 to 2017. Oath from 2017 to 2019 and Verizon Media in 2019. On August 12, 2019, Automattic acquired Tumblr from Verizon Media.

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Tumblr is a website that has been around for over 15 years and has over 600 million blogs. It is one of the most popular blogging sites. Tumblr is a network where you can express your individuality, creativity, and uniqueness.

Users can create their own blogs and share content on them. You can also edit HTML code and add custom domains. It’s a place where people can express their opinions and thoughts. The site is frequented by a wide range of people, from celebrities to down-to-earth users.

Social Media + Blogging

Tumblr is different in a way; it’s a combination of social media and blogging, where you have the freedom to express yourself in your own unique way. It is a popular social networking website that lets you post photos, videos, and quotes, as well as interact with other people. It allows you to express yourself in your own way and be yourself, whether it be in your photos or stories. You can publish regular posts, or you can create a blog that is a place to share links and information related to your field. It will allow others to follow you and contribute to your blog.

You’ve been blogging for over 3 months. Now you’re starting to think about getting some money out of it. You’re getting more and more readers, and you’re starting to make a little bit of money from ads and affiliate links.

Many people don’t know that you can actually make money from your tumblr! All you need to do is create a tumblr account, make a blog post, and then create a tumblr page. You can then make money from your tumblr site by adding ads to your page.

4. BuzzFeed » Write New Post

Buzzfeed is an American Internet media and news company. Founded in 2006, the company focuses on publishing content that is fun and interesting to read. It publishes entertainment, travel, food, and lifestyle content. It also has a section dedicated to current events and politics. One of their most popular sections is the quiz, which gives you weird, humorous facts about everyday activities.

Buzzfeed is a popular website with over 94.3 million views each month and is known for its viral articles and lists. The site has a magazine-like layout, but it also features many types of content, including videos. The content on Buzzfeed is broken down into many different sections, including news, entertainment, shopping, food, and others. This site is a great source of entertainment and information because it covers a variety of topics and provides entertaining ways to present the information.

Buzzfeed for Bloggers

When you login to Buzzfeed, you have difficulty finding the “new post” link. The below image shows you the exact location to write your post. You can first click on the bell icon, then press the “new post” link.

BuzzFeed write new post

Buzzfeed also allows users to post content that can be viewed by others. Buzzfeed has created a platform for people to share their knowledge and experience with others. Guest posting is an opportunity for bloggers to share their knowledge with those who are interested in their content. Guest posts are usually related to blogging and can help you create high-quality backlinks. If your blog is related to fashion, news, design, or lifestyle, then Buzzfeed is for you.

In this age of digital marketing, writing for a website is one of the best ways to attract targeted traffic and customers. Earning a guest post on a well-known website is an effective way to boost your online credibility and also improve your search engine rankings. To succeed at blogging, you need to do keyword research, create content, optimize your article, and submit it to popular sites in your niche.

Buzzfeed is a well-known website, and it is very popular today. It is one of the best websites to write articles and blog posts. It is a good resource to create backlinks.

5. NewsBreak » Write an Article

Newsbreak is one of the most popular news sites on the web. People go to this site to find the latest in worldwide, local, entertainment, and sports news. You can also find exclusive stories that other sites may not have. In addition, you can follow your favorite celebrities on the “Trending People” tab.

It has now developed into a global online news source. It provides video, audio, and text stories from professional journalists around the world. The site has been praised for its ability to provide news and information about current events in an accurate manner. NewsBreak is currently one of the top news aggregators in the US with more than 18.4 million visitors per month.

Newsbreak Contributors

Similar to Buzzfeed. When you first log into Newsbreak, you don’t understand where to write a post. You can first click on the “Contributors” link and then press “Apply to Join”. Then you may think that on the next screen there will be an application form with a lot of questions. But actually it’s a simple question, “What type of content do you create?” articles or videos. Then you only need to sign in with your Newsbreak ID, press “Write an article” and start blogging.

newsbreak write an article

Newsbreak has a strong presence on Google Play and the App Store. You can create and publish articles about a wide variety of topics.

Make sure you always write quality content with your main focus on your reader. You want to be sure that your blog is interesting and has valuable information for your target audience. If you do this, you can then start building high-quality backlinks to your blog. Backlinks are very important for ranking in search engines. By creating high-quality content and writing guest posts, you will increase your chances of getting more backlinks from this website.

6. Hubpages » Create an Article

Hubpages is a global online community that connects people from all over the world to share their knowledge on a wide range of topics. It provides a guest blogging platform where you can write how-to guides, start a blog, and share information. It is one of the largest websites of its kind. You can write on many topics, from sports to entertainment to education.

hubpages create an article

HubPages is a unique platform that allows anyone to become a writer, an editor, or even an entrepreneur. The platform is unique in many ways, and it has many different features that make it stand out from other websites. One important feature is that these platforms focus on quality content rather than quantity. HubPages has a team of experienced content editors who carefully review each article before publishing it on the website. They also check all articles for spelling and grammatical errors and ensure that they are well-formatted and easy to read.

HubPages Earning

If you’ve been exploring options for earning some extra cash, you might have come across HubPages. This website is a unique publishing platform that allows you to write about almost anything, from your life experiences to your opinions on current events.

It has 1.5 million unique monthly visitors, and users receive revenue from the ads displayed on their articles. Hubpages is a free website that offers easy article writing, unique and interesting content, and an opportunity to earn revenue. You have the freedom to publish whatever you like, and you can earn money from your articles if you reach a certain number of views and traffic.

7. LiveJournal » Write Post

LiveJournal is a great place for writers and authors to showcase their talents. It has been a leading community for personal blogs and social networking since 1999. It provides a free service for blog hosting and an extensive, free set of tools for its members. Registered users can create a journal and post entries in it. The number of users of LiveJournal is increasing day by day due to its popularity among bloggers and webmasters. Members can use this service to create and share their thoughts, experiences, and ideas with other users all over the world.

They have a variety of different features that may be very beneficial to you. Users can write and post entries, link to external sites, and add photos, videos, and embed media. Members can read and comment on these posts.

It gives you a place to let your creativity flow, and it is also an excellent way to connect with others who share similar interests. You can get in touch with people from across the globe and share your thoughts on any topic that you find interesting.

8. Slashdot » Submit a Story

Slashdot is a social news website where users can submit content. It publishes short articles about new products, software, science, and other technology-related developments. It also helps the public participate in content creation and provides a forum for users to interact and share comments. They also have sections that cover entertainment stories. Their community-generated stories are submitted and edited by users. It is an online community where people discuss various topics. Slashdot has been online since 1997.

slashdot submit a story

You might be aware of the fact that search engine optimization (SEO) is the key to getting higher rankings in search engines. Backlinks, or inbound links, are a significant part of SEO. Backlinks can help your website rank higher in various search engines, and this is what makes it important. Thus, it’s important to create high-quality backlinks for your website and posts. But it’s not easy to find a good platform for creating high-quality backlinks, which is why you need to know about Slashdot.

Slashdot is a free blogging and guest posting platform. It is a high-quality backlink generator, which will help you to increase traffic and improve your search engine rankings.

9. Behance » Share your Work

Behance is a website that allows designers to showcase their work and connect with each other. It’s a place for creative professionals. The website is free to join, and it serves professionals in the fields of advertising, architecture, art, photography, and design. Behance is a huge online community of visual creatives that was created by Adobe Systems.

When people create a profile on Behance, they can upload their portfolio, along with any other visual material they choose. They can also connect with other members, view other portfolios, comment on projects, and connect with potential clients or employers. It’s also a great place for startups to find new talent and see free work from talented professionals. This site is often used by freelancers, independent artists, and creative teams.

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The first thing that you need to know is that it’s a free blogging and guest posting platform for designers. You can create an account for free. On Behance, you will get recognition from people from all across the world. You can share your work as well as connect with other professionals in your field.

10. Dribbble » Upload Designs for Free Promotion

Dribbble is an online community for designers that was launched in 2009. It is a design site for creating and sharing designs. Dribbble is very useful and is a great way to show off your work, get feedback, and network with other designers. It’s very easy to understand and navigate, which can make it a great site for beginners but also a useful resource for more experienced designers.

It’s a different kind of social network because it focuses on sharing images. Users can upload their own designs. It’s a good platform for web designers, photographers, illustrators, and animators. Users can express their thoughts through comments.

Dribbble is a free blogging and design posting platform for designers to create high-quality backlinks for their blogs. One of the best things about Dribbble is that it allows you to earn a good amount of traffic from search engines. It’s a great tool to let people know about your work, engage with your audience, and build a reputation in your industry.

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You are just beginning your blogging journey. It’s important to have high-quality backlinks in order to be successful in any type of business. These ten sites are a platform that allows anyone to publish articles on the web. These blogging tips will help you to create blogs and monetize your blogs to earn money.

We hope you enjoyed our blog post. If you are looking for places to find quality backlinks, this article is for you! We have compiled a list of 10 high-quality blogging and guest posting platforms that you should take a look at for your next blog post. Remember to always be on the lookout for more quality backlinks, as these platforms are high-quality websites that allow guest posting on their blogs. If you have any questions, please leave a comment. Thank you for reading. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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Author: Asif

Asif is a freelance writer who shares his knowledge and experience on how to build and run a successful online business. Whether you are a beginner or a pro, you will find valuable tips and resources on his blog » NewOfferSee Digital Time »

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