32 Proven Strategies for Adsense & MediaNet Approval for Blogs

AdSense and MediaNet are programs that help website owners make money by displaying ads and earning revenue from clicks. But you need to get approval by meeting the required criteria and guidelines before you can start earning through these programs.

In today’s digital age, blogging has become a popular platform for sharing ideas, building a personal brand, and earning a passive income. However, one of the challenges that bloggers face is that both platforms have stricter requirements and policies for approving publishers.

What are the requirements for MediaNet and AdSense approval for bloggers?

Every blogger wants to approve their sites on these two monetization platforms. The biggest problem is that you cannot simply sign up and hope to be approved later because they will decline your application if your blog doesn’t meet their criteria. Without approval, bloggers are unable to monetize their content. Whether you apply for AdSense, MediaNet, or any other ad network, or even affiliate programs, the approval rules are similar.

AdSense vs. MediaNet

AdSence and MediaNet are two large companies that offer ad programs to display ads on your site and earn passive income.

Google created AdSense on June 18, 2003, and it is one of the most popular advertising networks in the world. It offers a wide range of ad formats and targeting options. It uses a contextual advertising model to display ads that are relevant to the content on a website. Adsense offers a high level of customization and optimization options for publishers. It also provides detailed analytics and reporting tools to help them track their earnings and performance.

In 2010, Divyank Turakhia created MediaNet, which Miteno Communication Technology acquired for $900 million on August 21, 2016. MediaNet is an ad network that offers different types of ads, such as banners, interstitials, contextual, video, and native ads, for display advertising. Publishers can choose how the ads appear on their website, and MediaNet gives advanced options for targeting the ads. However, it may not have as large an ad inventory or publisher base as AdSense, but it is the best alternative.

Proven Strategies for AdSense and MediaNet

Getting approved can be tricky. But don’t worry, we’re here to help. There’s a process you have to go through before you can start earning money. In this blog post, we will give you 32 proven strategies to get your blog approved for Adsense and MediaNet. We will give you all the tips and tricks you need to get started.

1. Follow Adsense and MediaNet Guidelines

Before you apply for Adsense or MediaNet approval, make sure you read their rules carefully. They have strict rules for websites that must be followed, and not following them can cause your account to be rejected or suspended. It’s important to understand their policies about your website’s content, where ads are placed, the user experience, and other requirements. By reading the rules beforehand, you can ensure that your website meets all the requirements and increase your chances of getting approved. You can also avoid any accidental violations that might result in account rejection.

See AdSense Program Policies » Media.net Policies » Media.net Ad Quality Policy

2. Ready for Traffic

Before you apply for Adsense and MediaNet, double-check that your articles are ready to start receiving traffic. This means ensuring that all of your blog posts are loading properly, all links are working, and there are no broken elements on your site. Once everything looks good from a content, design, and technical standpoint, you can then submit your application and wait for approval!

3. Create an About page

An about page is a crucial element of any blog or website, as it allows readers to learn more about the author and the purpose of the site. When it comes to Adsense and MediaNet approval, having an about page is important as it shows that the website is legitimate and that there is a real person or organization behind it.

Include information about yourself and your blog, and also include a photo of yourself. Make sure to include links to your other profiles so people can connect with you. Additionally, bloggers should make sure that their About page is easily accessible from their website.

4. Include Contact Information

Including contact information on the About page makes it easier for readers to get in touch with the blogger. This can be in the form of an email address, phone number, or contact form, and should be easily accessible to readers.

If you have an eCommerce store, you should also include your business address and hours of operation. This is important for Adsense and MediaNet approval, as it helps establish the legitimacy of the site and demonstrates that the blogger or brand is open to communication with their audience.

5. Make a Privacy Policy & Terms and Conditions Pages

Creating privacy policies and terms and conditions pages means writing down the rules and regulations that your blog follows. These are essential pages for any website.

Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy is a statement that explains how you will handle any personal information that your visitors may share with you, such as their name, email address, or location. This includes information on how you collect, use, store, and protect this information. Having a privacy policy is important as it helps to establish trust with your visitors and ensures that you are complying with relevant laws and regulations.

Terms and Conditions

The page outlines the rules and guidelines that visitors must follow when using your website. This includes things like copyright policies, disclaimers, and limitations of liability. Having a clear set of terms and conditions can help protect you and your website from any legal issues that may arise.

Making important pages like About, Contact, Privacy Policy, and Terms and Conditions can increase the chances of getting approval from Adsense and MediaNet. It also helps to show that bloggers are serious and trustworthy about their work in a particular area.

6. Disclosure and Disclaimer

It’s important for bloggers to include disclosure and disclaimer statements on their sites. These statements help to show your audience that you are honest and can be trusted.


A disclosure statement is a statement that tells readers about any money-related relationships, connections, or sponsored content. It is very important to tell the truth about any relationships you have that could affect the content on your site or the ads shown on it. If you want Adsense or MediaNet to approve your blog, they need to know if there are any relationships that could affect your site or the ads. It includes information about any relationships the site has with third-party companies.

An example of an affiliate link disclosure could be:

“I may earn a commission for any purchases made through affiliate links on this page. Rest assured, all opinions expressed are my own, and I only recommend products or services that I believe in.”


A disclaimer statement is a statement that tells people that the information on your site is not your responsibility. It helps to protect you from any legal problems that could happen because of the content on your site.

Examples of an educational disclaimer: This site provides educational information only and is not a substitute for professional advice. Always consult a qualified professional for advice specific to your situation.

It’s important for bloggers to make sure their disclosure and disclaimer statements are easy to read, understand, and straight to the point.

7. Mention the Author’s Name on Every Post

One way to increase your chances of getting approval from ad networks is to make sure that you mention the author’s name on every post. This helps to show that your blog is a credible source of information, and it can also help to build trust with your readers.

Some tips for mentioning the author’s name on every post include:

  1. Make sure the author’s name is prominently displayed on the post.
  2. If you are allowing guest authors, make sure their names are also included.
  3. Write a short author’s bio at the end of each post.
  4. Include author social media and blog links in the bio.

Adding the author’s name to each blog post can increase the chances of getting approval from Adsense and MediaNet. By doing this, bloggers can show that they are responsible for this content.

8. Invest in a Secure Custom Domain Name

Whether you use Google Blogger or Tumblr, these free hosts are never a barrier. But your domain name should be top-level with an SSL certificate (https). Having a secure custom domain name also helps to make a site more memorable and easier to find online. This is because custom domain names are unique and can be easily branded and marketed across various platforms. Additionally, a custom domain name can help to improve a site’s search engine rankings, as search engines tend to give more weight to custom domain names over free subdomain names.

9. Always Apply with Custom eMail Address

To get Adsense or MediaNet approval, bloggers always use a professional email address that is connected to their custom domain name. Bloggers should make sure that they can access their email address easily and check it regularly. This is important because it allows them to communicate quickly with the advertising network and possible advertisers.

10. Pick a Niche

Make sure your blog is focused on one specific niche. Having a focus will make it easier for Google and MediaNet to understand what your blog is about and determine if it is relevant to their ads.

Do some research on ad guidelines before choosing your niche. There are certain topics that are not allowed, such as adult content or gambling, so it’s important to make sure your chosen topic is acceptable before moving forward with your application.

Writing about something you love will make your blog more enjoyable for you to write and more likely to be successful. Plus, if you enjoy what you’re writing, it will come across in your work, making it more engaging for readers.

Must-See Content: 15 Tips for Choosing a Website Niche » 12+ Successful Blog Topics

11. Structure Your Articles Well

The way you structure your articles is also important. Google and MediaNet like to see articles that are easy to read and digest. Breaking up your text with subheadings, bullet points, and images will help make your articles more user-friendly.

12. Categories Pages

Creating category pages is another proven strategy for Adsense and MediaNet approval for blogs. Category pages help to organize content on a blog and make it easier for readers to navigate and find the information they are looking for. Additionally, category pages can help to improve a blog’s search engine rankings, as they provide an organized structure for search engine crawlers to follow.

It is important to make sure that each category page of the blog has the right keywords in the page title, URL, and meta description to help it show up in search engines. They should also ensure that each category page is linked to from the main navigation menu and from other relevant pages on the blog.

13. Proper Layout and Design

In terms of layout and design, it’s important to choose a clean and professional design that is easy on the eyes and visually appealing. Overloading your blog with too many images, ads, or other distractions can be detrimental. It can create a cluttered appearance and impede the reader’s ability to fully engage with your content.

14. Site Functionality Should Work Well on All Devices

Your website must be well coded and work fine on all devices, including mobile phones and tablets. Let your visitors know if your tool is only available on desktop versions if it’s not responsive or not working correctly on mobile devices. Otherwise, applications for an AdSense and MediaNet account will be rejected.

15. Even Free WordPress Themes Get Adsense Approval

If you are thinking about buying an expensive theme to get Adsense and MediaNet approval, you don’t have to. Even a free WordPress theme can get your Adsense approval. Remember, it’s not the theme that Google is looking for, but the quality of your content. If your content is great, you can use a free theme and get MediaNet and Adsense approval.

Must-See Content: 8 Places for Free WordPress, Joomla, & eCommerce Themes

Rather than spend money on buying a premium theme, I’ll recommend you invest in Google and Microsoft Ads. You might get your investment back. So, use a free theme and save money for your blog’s growth.

16. Check the Blog’s Loading Speed

Ad networks prefer sites that are fast and user-friendly. To check how fast a blog loads, bloggers can use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights, Pingdom, or GTmetrix. These tools give insights into loading speed and suggest ways to improve it.

To make a blog load faster, bloggers can optimize images, use caching plugins, reduce the number of external scripts and plugins, and select a fast and dependable web host. They should also ensure that the blog’s theme is lightweight and optimized for speed.

17. Write Original Content

One of the most important things you can do to get your blog approved for MediaNet and Adsense is to write original, high-quality, and informative content. This means that your content should be well researched, well written, and provide value to your readers. Some tips to help you write high-quality content include the following:

  1. Choose a topic that you are passionate about and have knowledge of.
  2. Ensure that your writing style is easy, succinct, and straightforward.
  3. Make sure your facts and figures are accurate.
  4. Use images, videos, and infographics to break up your text and make your posts more visually appealing.
  5. Promote your content for free through guest posting.

By following these tips, you will be well on your way to writing the kind of content that will not only get your blog approved for AdSense and MediaNet, but will also help you attract and retain readers.

18. Internal Linking

Internal linking is a proven tactic to get Adsense and MediaNet approval for blogs. It means linking to other pages or posts on a blog from within the content of a specific page or post. Internal linking can help to improve the user experience on a blog, increase the time readers spend on the site, and improve the blog’s search engine rankings. Internet linking also helps optimize your ad performance.

When creating internal links, bloggers should make sure that the links are relevant and add value to the content. The anchor text should accurately reflect the content on the linked page. Also, the linked pages should be optimized for search engines by including relevant keywords in the title, URL, and meta description.

19. Traffic from English Speeking Countries

Getting traffic from English-speaking countries is a proven way to get approval from MediaNet for your blog. On the other hand, Adsense has no language barrier, so your site will be approved in any language. These advertising platforms tend to favor websites that receive traffic from countries like the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand. Even in AdSense, if you have traffic coming from English-speaking countries, you have the potential to earn higher revenue.

20. Check for Grammar Errors Before Posting

It is important to check for mistakes in grammar before posting so that you can meet the approval criteria for Adsense and MediaNet. These platforms prioritize content quality, which includes proper grammar and spelling.

Grammar mistakes can negatively affect your readers’ impressions and reduce engagement and traffic. To prevent this, bloggers should use tools like QuillBot and Grammarly to find and fix errors before publishing.

You also manually proofread your content, as automated tools may not catch all errors. Reading your content out loud can help you identify any awkward phrasing or errors.

21. Check for Plagiarism Before Posting

Unique content is important for getting Adsense and MediaNet approval. If you copy someone else’s work, your application may be rejected.

Plagiarism is the act of using someone else’s work without proper attribution or permission. It can result in legal consequences and damage your reputation as a blogger. Therefore, it’s crucial to check for plagiarism before posting any content on your blog.

22. Good Backlinks

Good backlinks are those that come from reputable websites and are relevant to your niche. For example, if you run a graphic design blog, a backlink from a page that talks about graphics or from a well-known site like Behance or Dribbble can significantly enhance your blog’s authority and credibility.

It’s important to note that not all backlinks are good. Low-quality backlinks from spammy websites or those that use manipulative tactics to acquire links can result in penalties from search engines and hurt your blog’s reputation.

23. Write to Solve the Problems, Not for Search Engines

When it comes to creating content for your blog, it’s essential to remember that your primary goal is to provide value to your readers and solve their problems. Although it’s important to make your blog visible and attract traffic through search engine optimization (SEO), it’s not enough to only focus on SEO when creating content.

Bloggers who try to influence search engines only by adding too many keywords, using attention-grabbing headlines, and creating unhelpful content can lose their readers’ trust and interest. Instead, they should create content that helps readers by addressing their needs and giving useful solutions to their problems.

It’s no secret that search engines want you to produce high-quality content. By writing to solve problems and provide value to readers, bloggers can meet quality content requirements and increase their chances of AdSense and MediaNet approval.

24. Include a Section for Comments

From an Adsense & MediaNet approval standpoint, having an active comments section can also demonstrate to these platforms that your blog is engaging and interactive, which can increase your chances of approval. This may seem like an obvious requirement, but you’d be surprised how many bloggers overlook it.

However, it’s important to note that comments should be moderated to ensure that they are respectful and add value to the discussion. Spam comments that are irrelevant or inappropriate should be deleted to maintain the quality of your blog and protect your readers from any negative experiences.

25. Post Regular Links in Addition to Affiliate Links

While affiliate marketing can be a valuable source of income for bloggers, it’s important not to rely solely on affiliate links in your blog posts. Including regular links to relevant and valuable content can demonstrate to Adsense & MediaNet that your blog is providing a well-rounded experience for readers.

For example you have a eBay affiliate program and don’t have the Amazon affilate program but you still recommend Amazon product. This will show that your site is not simply a vehicle for promoting affiliate products, but is actually a helpful source of information for readers.

26. Remove Any Other Ad Networks

Having too many ads on your blog can make it look like spam and turn off your readers. It’s important to balance ads with a good user experience.

Before applying for Adsense or MediaNet approval, make sure to remove any other ad networks from your blog. This shows that you are dedicated to working solely with them and that you care about their experiences.

27. Active Site with 20+ Articles

You don’t need to have a certain number of articles, but we suggest applying when you have at least 20 posts on your blog. It will be easy for the AdSense and MediaNet teams to understand your site. This also shows that you have put in the time and effort to build a strong foundation for your blog. Articles can be shorter posts, but they need to be of good quality and informative.

When you write new articles and regularly update your website, it can help your blog become more visible on the internet. This means more people will visit your site, giving you more opportunities to earn revenue from your blog.

Google and MediaNet also look for sites with a variety of content, so try to write about different topics in your niche that would appeal to a wide range of readers.

28. Your Blog Must Have Decent Traffic

You don’t need millions of visitors per day, but you’ll need more than a few. Depending on your niche and the competition, anywhere from 400 to 1,000 pageviews per day is a good range to aim for.

There are plenty of ways to generate traffic for your blog. Social media, email marketing, and paid advertising are all effective methods. But the foundation of any good blog is great content. Write articles that people actually want to read and share, and the traffic will come naturally.

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Once you’ve got a steady stream of visitors coming to your blog, it’s time to start thinking about monetization. Adsense and MediaNet are great ways to earn revenue from your blog. The important thing is to find what works best for you and your audience.

29. Avoid Bad Traffic

Bad traffic means getting visitors to your website in dishonest ways, like by paying for clicks or using fake visitors. This type of traffic is not real and can harm your website’s reputation and trustworthiness.

If your website is getting traffic from low-quality sources, Google and MediaNet may deny your application for their services. But how do you know if you are using bad traffic? There are some signs that can help you understand if it’s bad traffic or not.

  • If a large chunk of your traffic is coming from suspicious-looking IP addresses, it’s likely that it’s bad traffic.
  • If you see a large number of visitors clicking the back button on their browsers or closing your page instantly, it could be bad traffic.
  • If a majority of your visitors are viewing only one page on your website and not scrolling down, it could be bad traffic.

Bad traffic can negatively impact your website. Follow these tips to avoid bad traffic:

  • Do not click on your own ads.
  • Do not encourage others to click on your ads.
  • Do not use bots or other automated means to generate clicks on your ads.
  • Don’t buy backlinks.
  • Avoid using spammy tactics.

If you engage in any dishonest activities, your Adsense and MediaNet accounts could be immediately cancelled, and you may not be able to use them anymore.

30. Avoid VPN

Don’t use a VPN to trick Adsense and MediaNet into thinking you’re somewhere else or have more visitors than you actually have. It’s against the rules and can get you kicked off the network. If you’re using a VPN, turn it off three to four months before you try to join an ad network.

While a VPN can help protect your privacy and give you access to blocked content, it can also make it harder for Google and MediaNet to verify that your site traffic is genuine. This can lead to your application being denied.

31. Don’t deceive users with false information

When people search on the internet, they want the correct information. If the information on your blog is wrong, it can make people unhappy.

Let’s say there is a website that advertises a weight-loss supplement and promises that users will lose a lot of weight in only a few days. But there are no studies or other evidence to prove that this is true. This can trick people and make them believe something that might not be real. Such misleading practices are considered unethical and can result in Adsense and MediaNet disapproval.

32. Age

Ad networks prefer older, more established blogs. Another important factor to consider when applying for approval is the age of the website owner.

But having an old blog doesn’t guarantee approval. It is just a necessary condition for approval. So, it is suggested that you wait until your blog is at least six months old and you are over 18 years old before applying for approval.


I hope you found our article about Adsense and MediaNet approval helpful. I understand how frustrating the approval process can be. You work tirelessly on your blog only to be rejected from advertising programs. If you’re struggling to get approved for these advertising programs, then this post is a must-read. By following the strategies we’ve outlined, you’ll be one step closer to monetizing your blog and earning more revenue from your content.

Remember to take your time and make sure your blog meets all of the requirements before submitting your application. Always keep creating high-quality content for your readers and focus on building a strong online presence. Don’t be discouraged if you weren’t approved right away; take a deep breath and try again with these proven strategies in mind.

If AdSense or MediaNet denies your application, read the feedback they give you and fix any problems they find. If your rejection reason isn’t on our list, tell us in the comments so we can add it. Other people who read this post will find it useful.

If you have any further questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to ask us. We wish you the best of luck on your monetization journey.

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Author: Asif

Asif is a freelance writer who shares his knowledge and experience on how to build and run a successful online business. Whether you are a beginner or a pro, you will find valuable tips and resources on his blog » NewOfferSee Digital Time »

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